Healing After Divorce: How to Start

It’s hard to even believe that you’re going through the aftermath of a divorce.

You’ve been married for years, and now it feels like your life just abruptly fell apart.

Divorce can be one of the most difficult experiences in life, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your happiness or success.

If you are willing to work hard at healing yourself and rebuilding your life, there is hope!


How to Start Healing After A Divorce

Some numbers to set the stage.

  • First, nearly 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States get divorced.
  • Second, over 13 percent of women end their marriage by 30, and 25 percent by 40.
  • And lastly, about 70 percent of divorced mothers have primary custody of their children.

So, what does that mean for you? If you’re a divorced mom, it means you’re not alone. In fact, there are millions of other women who have gone through (or are going through) the same thing as you.

Now let’s talk about healing.

Because even though divorce is common, that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. The end of a marriage is always going to be a difficult and painful experience—there’s no getting around that (I know from experience!). But there are ways to start healing after a divorce.

Here are a few tips:

1. Find a Support System: You Don’t Have to Do This Alone

One of the best things you can do after getting divorced is to find a support system. Whether you join an online divorce support group or surround yourself with friends and family members who will lend a listening ear, it’s important to have people in your corner who understand what you’re going through. Because even though your family and friends might not be able to relate to your experience directly, they can provide the love and support you need during this difficult time.


2. Give Yourself Time to Grieve: It’s OK to Feel Sad, Angry, or Confused

Another important thing to remember is that it’s OK to feel sad, angry, or confused after getting divorced—in fact, it’s normal. Allow yourself time to grieve the loss of your marriage. Cry if you need to cry; yell if you need to yell; do whatever you need to do to release those negative emotions. Just make sure you don’t bottle them up inside, because that will only make things worse in the long run.


3. Focus on Self-Care: Taking Care of Yourself is Paramount

Finally, it’s important that you focus on taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally after getting divorced. Eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and find healthy ways to cope with stress (e.g., yoga, journaling). Taking care of yourself will help ensure that you have the energy and stamina needed to deal with everything else in your life—including co-parenting (if applicable), work obligations, and day-to-day responsibilities.


How to Start Healing After A Divorce
healing after divorce

Healing from divorce is hard, but it’s still easier than remaining hurt.

No one ever said that getting divorced was easy—and they were right. It’s hard! But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible. There are ways to start healing after a divorce; it just takes time (and sometimes professional help from someone who’s been there).

With the tips mentioned above and your participation in my Thriving After Divorce self-paced course, hopefully you can take those first few steps on the road to recovery and begin moving on with your life post-divorce.

rebuilding yourself after divorce

Cheryl Cline, Author of Thriving Afer Divorce

I have never met anyone who says “I can’t wait to get married, just so I can get a divorce”.


Whether the divorce was something you wanted or not, it was not your plan when you got married.

There is a grieving period.  

Grieving the loss of a dream and a family you had built. 

But neglecting to heal properly will only allow the past to control you. 

I know you’re hurting, but there is nothing you can do to change the past, but you can build your future.

This is the ideal time for self discovery and growth. 

For example, in the Thriving After Divorce Course you will learn the role you played in the breakdown of the marriage.

Without know the part you played, you risk repeating the same mistakes in future relationships. 

Divorce gave you a free start, don’t waste it by making the mistake not to heal properly.

What you will get inside Thriving After Divorce:

Worksheets, lessons, tips and resources on how properly grieve, identify triggers, and forgive.

Above all, you will discover the life they want to live and create a plan to reach it in less than a week!

All of these resources can be found inside Thriving After Divorce.


Can you move forward after divorce without forgiving and grieving?

Yes, but it will keep you from reaching your full potential.  

Resources about healing and investing in yourself can be found inside lesson 2 and 4 of the Thriving After Divorce self-paced course.

healing after divorce

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