Rebuilding After Divorce |
After the divorce, it can be hard to get a handle on your finances. You might be used to sharing expenses with your ex-spouse, and now you have to figure out how to cover everything on your own. However, by taking these few simple steps, you can take control of your...
Rebuilding After Divorce |
Divorce is a big change, and it can be scary. But just because something is scary doesn’t mean we should avoid it. Change is a natural part of life, and we need to embrace it if we want to grow and heal. Trying to hold onto the past is an exercise in futility....
Rebuilding After Divorce |
A survey of step-kids revealed the number one mistake that a step-parent can make is not being genuine. The kids feel that if the step-parent is fake, they are not really needed in the family and will eventually fade away. Step-parents need to take care in their...
Rebuilding After Divorce |
Divorce is a challenging experience for anyone. The end of a relationship can be emotionally and mentally draining, leaving you feeling raw and exposed. It’s natural to feel like you’ll never fully heal after divorce, but that’s not the case. With...