Helping women heal, rebuild, and move on after divorce.

As the creator of Second Chances by Cheryl Cline, I offer practical advice for moving forward one day at a time to get your life back on track.

rebuilding yourself after divorce

You’re Divorced.

Now What?

How do you move on after a divorce and start over?

Divorce is hard. It’s emotionally draining, expensive, time consuming and there’s no way around it – it sucks! The pain of divorce can be overwhelming.

You’re sad, angry, lonely and unsure how to get your life back on track.

Thriving After Divorce will help you understand the emotional roller coaster that comes with ending a marriage while offering practical advice for moving forward one day at a time.

Let go of the past and make plans for the future.

〉Learn how to accept this new reality of being single.

〉Reduce stress and feel better overall.

〉Take the proper steps to improve your life.

〉Learn how to adjust to being a single parent.

〉Start your new life with confidence.

Get practical advice from someone who’s been in your shoes.

As someone who’s gone through a divorce, I understand your challenges better than anyone.

I am here to support you every step of the way, and I have a lot of experience dealing with divorced women.

Above all, I’m open and honest, truly care about your welfare, and I’m serious about helping you succeed.

Cheryl Cline, author of Thriving After Divorce

rebuilding yourself after divorce

Free Resources for Struggling Single Moms

7 Simple Clues You May Have An Unhealthy Marriage

7 Simple Clues You May Have An Unhealthy Marriage

I stayed in the car and waited. After a few minutes he walked out with some flowers. Y’all, he had not planned any dinner and did not get anything for me for my birthday. We lived in a town that rolled up the streets when the sun went down, so the only place to eat was a place doing karaoke. Not only should this have been a big red flag for things to come, but it also was the start of my dislike of receiving flowers.

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The Answers You Need: Why A Husband Cheats

The Answers You Need: Why A Husband Cheats

I stayed in the car and waited. After a few minutes he walked out with some flowers. Y’all, he had not planned any dinner and did not get anything for me for my birthday. We lived in a town that rolled up the streets when the sun went down, so the only place to eat was a place doing karaoke. Not only should this have been a big red flag for things to come, but it also was the start of my dislike of receiving flowers.

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